
Termos de Uso

Termos de Uso

Service Agreement

This website may contain content that you do not agree with or may not understand. If you continue to explore this domain, please be aware that any person or party with respect (association) to Barunson Games, Aeria Games, Gamigo or Bilagames, is not allowed here to view our content. Anyone who discloses information from this site on particular resources to any corporation / company or any entity (including Barunson Games, Aeria Games, Gamigo or Bilagames) is not permitted to view the content here. If you use our links or downloads, you will be in full compliance and with all terms of this website. By accepting the terms of service, you also agree that any rules, notices and / or content may change at the owner's discretion.


Please note that anyone working, working with, or affiliated in any other way with the following:

-Barunson Games

-Aeria Games



You have no right to use or view our products. If you are affiliated with any of the companies or corporations mentioned above, direct your browser away from this page immediately. Anyone from the aforementioned companies who persist in entering the site after this prompt will have a victim impact statement registered against them in accordance with the NET Act 1997, section (d) (1), paragraph (2), subsection ( THE). In summary: no one from Barunson Games, Aeria Games, Gamigo, Bilagames, associated with Barunson Games, Aeria Games, Gamigo, Bilagames or any affiliated company or anyone run by Barunson Games, Aeria Games, Gamigo, Bilagames or its related companies is allowed to enter these sites or display any content contained on those sites at any time, due to controversial reasons.


If any information is disclosed on this website to any corporation / company or any entity. This would violate the terms and agreements on this site. The information would have been obtained illegally and is not allowed in court.


By accepting this agreement, you become a guest of this private domain for so long. as you do not violate any of the terms and agreements listed. And you agree to respect all employees in that web domain. Failure to do so will result in loss of service.


By donating to South , you agree to the rules, conditions and terms of service mentioned above and below. We reserve the right to ban, exclude or take any necessary actions if one of your characters / accounts violates the implicitly stated rules or in any special case that is considered worthy of such actions. Any form of attempted fraud or fraud will be reported to the authorities and their payment providers to take action.


Please note that any account created for South use in any of its services, including but not limited to forum accounts and game accounts, are owned by South and, therefore, can be terminated and at any time, with or without reason. By using an account, you are lending the service to us and we have the right to recover it at any time you wish. Please also note that by donating, you are NOT buying your account with us, just showing your gratitude for our service and, as such, you are still subject to the rules and regulations established by the South team.


By borrowing a South account, you agree that your security is your responsibility and therefore you will be responsible for any actions that are taken on your account or the from it. You also agree that you are aware that the provision of your password may compromise the security of your account and that, by informing your password to another person, you fully accept the consequences that may arise from this. You agree to acknowledge that if you receive a file from anywhere except an official South distributor, it may contain malicious software known as a "Key logger" and that South will not be held responsible for the consequences that may result from downloading these programs . external sources.

We are also not affiliated with any of the organizations / companies already mentioned or to clarify any association, organization or company related to any content hosted here on South . This is strictly a fan-based development association

Ao se registrar você concorda com os Termos de Uso e com as Regras.

Não usar logins e senhas utilizados em outros Last Chaos.